Immersive reader: Sorry, we couldn’t get the right information to show the text correctly. GetReaderModel API error: Response HTTP code: 401...
How to Back Up the Notes that are not Synced to the Cloud in OneNote for Windows 10?...
OneNote is continuously generating a lot of conflict pages and that increases the file size....
Download and reinstall the latest version graphic card driver to fix it....
OneNote for Windows don’t support open locally stored section files....
How to Export Notebook that Deleted from Account, But OneNote for Windows 10 Still Exists?...
Use the Add-AppxPackage command to install the offline installation package...
Update OneNote for Windows 10 to latest version from Microsoft Store....
View the updated date of OneNote UWP in the Microsoft Store....
Search and install OneNote for Windows 10 in Windows 11 Microsoft Store...
Logging in to the and setting up the account avatar inside....
OneNote just support TTF(TrueType), doesn’t support OTF(OpenType)....
Format Painter keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl+Shift+C, Ctrl+Shift+V...
Hide spelling errors to remove red, wavy underlines in OneNote for Windows 10....
PrintConfig.dll error that caused pdf imports through the virtual printer OneNote for Windows 10 was an error: Your printer has experienced an unexpected Configuration Problem. 0x8007007e...
The left icon bar disappears because the Legacy Navigation Pane is enabled in OneNote for Windows 10....
How to get back make subpage menu item in OneNote UWP....
Question: Where is the Ruler feature in OneNote for Windows 10? There is no ruler in my version right now. Answer: OneNote for Windows 10 (UWP) add Ruler feature in 2017.12. This feature is located in Draw tab. Reason: If you cannot find th...
On April 12, 2020, OneNote UWP changed from the original OneNote name to OneNote for Windows 10...
OneNote 0.25mm pen tip smallness is not pressure-sensitive, only to 0.50mm pen tip smallness has pressure sense....
OneNote 17, OneNote 16001, OneNote UWP, OneNote for Windows 10 Evolutionary Process...
OneNote for Windows 10 (UWP) add Cloud File Attachment feature....
Question: I want to protect some notes with password in OneNote. But the option is disabled. When I right-click on a section, I see the Lock Protected Sections option is gray out. Reason: OneNote 17 (Win 10 App) cannot encrypt and passwo...
Question: How do I turn of auto-capitalization in OneNote on Windows 10? Answer: The OneNote 17 (UWP) on Windows 10, there still no option to turn of capitalize first letter of sentence. Temporary Solution: But, we can restore the first let...
Question: I cannot find the Math button in my OneNote UWP in Windows 10. How do you display the Math button? Answer: This feature may be a paid feature. This feature is only available if you have login an Office 365 subscription account to...
Question: Where is the Disable hardware graphics acceleration in OneNote UWP? Answer: There is not Disable hardware graphics acceleration option in OneNote 17 UWP. Disable hardware graphics acceleration just provided in Windows Office OneNo...
OneNote for Windows 10 is a free software when it come with Windows 10 first release, but from 2016 July release, it has start been a software which need to pay for some features. And these features just appears for the paid users. They are...
Question: Is OneNote for Windows 10 free? I cannot find some features in OneNote for Windows 10. Answer: OneNote for Windows 10 is an UWP App, it is free when it first publish with Windows 10 release. But, from 2016/7, it become a softwa...
Question: How to move and rotate the ruler in OneNote for Windows 10? I cannot move it by mouse. How to use the Ruler: You can manipulate the ruler by using your fingers. Tap the Ruler icon. The ruler, or straightedge, is located on the Dra...
2018.4.19, Shared Single Page Feature is Being Removed from OneNote for Windows 10...
Because the online video saved in OneNote is a link only, Microsoft close Office Mix website cause the online video just leaves a link in OneNote....
Web-based features cannot be used when Offline....
Email a page through Share a page in OneNote app to Windows 10 Email app....
Question: Click on a .one file, OneNote prompt: We cant create a page here. Try reopening your default notebook. How can I resolve this? Answer: When you double-click OneNotes .one file in Windows Explorer, OneNote for Windows 10 will opens...
OneNote for Windows 10 save your notebooks on, local is cache only....
Question: Why getting Error: 0xE0001075 when I try to sign in OneNote in Windows 10? Answer: This error generally occurs in the case of your Microsoft account freeze. Login to or and make sure th...
Attachments in OneNote for Windows 10 are not editable, while OneNote 2016 is available....
Question: Why doesnt see the traditional attachment that appear as file icon when I drag and drop file from Windows Explorer to the OneNote UWP? Phenomenon: The ability to insert attachments has changed in January 2019 after OneNote for Win...
Use Cloud Attachments in OneNote for Windows 10 to support opening and being able to edit cloud attachments....
Where is the “New Section Group” feature in OneNote UWP?...
Question: I am having difficulty figuring out how to export a OneNote notebook to a pdf file in OneNote UWP, how can I export OneNotes notebook as a PDF file? Answer: OneNote UWP does not provide export capabilities. It also does not provid...
The installation of OneNote UWP from the Microsoft Store failed due to the shutdown of the Print Spooler service....
Only OneNote 2010, 2013, 2016 will have the File tab, and OneNote UWP does not have the File tab....
Question: At first time you use OneNote for Windows 10, when you sign in to your account and create a new notebook, it show below message: Microsoft OneNote OneNote cannot create a new notebook at: Possible reasons include: - The specified...