OneNote Gem Add-Ins

Highlight important section from other OneNote sections

Sometimes, we want to highlight the important section in OneNote.

Highlight a section help us easy to find the section quickly.

Follow this document to learn how to highlight a OneNote section.

Change Color of all Sections same as Notebook Color

In "Gem for OneNote", follow "Edit" tab -> "Change" group -> "Color" menu -> Click "Section Color by Notebook".

Gem will change all sections color same as notebook (Silver).
Change Color of all Sections same as Notebook Color
Change Important Section Color

Now, all the section color are silver.
Next, change the important section color to a difference color from silver.

In the Gem's "Color" menu -> click "Section Color". 

Gem will pop up a Color Picker Dialog to help you to choose color.
Change Important Section Color
Section Color Picker

In Color Picker Dialog, you can choose a color for current section.
Section Color Picker
A Highlight Section 

After set a section color difference with other sections. You can easy to find out this section.
A Highlight Section
Download Gem for OneNote