OneNote Gem Add-Ins

Mac OneNote Keyboard Shortcut

Frequently used shortcuts
Select all items on the current page.
⌘ + A
(Continue pressing to expand the scope of your selection.)

Select the page title.
⌘ + Shift + T

Cut the selected text or item.
⌘ + X

Copy the selected text or item to the clipboard.
⌘ + C

Paste the contents of the clipboard.
⌘ + V

Undo the last action.
⌘ + Z

Redo the last action.
⌘ + Y

Open notebook.
Shift+ ⌘ + W or
⌘ + O

Close notebook.
⌘ + W

Indent a paragraph from the left of a word.

Indent a paragraph from anywhere in a paragraph.
⌘ + Closing bracket ( ] )

Remove a paragraph indent from the left.
Shift + Tab or
⌘ + Opening bracket ( [ )

Zoom in
Shift + Tab or
⌘ + Plus sign ( + )

Zoom out
Shift + Tab or
⌘ + Minus sign ( - )

Reset zoom
⌘ + Zero (0)

Collapse an expanded outline.
Control + Shift + Plus sign ( + )

Expand a collapsed outline.
Control + Shift + Minus sign ( - )

Open a link.
Select link + Return

Copy the format of the selected text.
Option + ⌘ + C

Paste the copied text format to selected text.
Option + ⌘ + V

Start dictation
Fn + Fn

Insert emodi
Control + ⌘ + Space

Insert content

Insert a line break without starting a new paragraph.
Shift + Return

Insert a line break.
Shift + Return

Insert the current date.
⌘ + D

Insert the current date and time.
⌘ + Shift + D

Insert equations (or convert selected text to a math equation).
Control + Equal sign ( = )

Use Smart Lookup
Control + Option +
+ L

Delete content

Delete character to the left of cursor.

Delete character to the right of the cursor.
fn + Delete

Delete one word to the left.
Option + Delete

Delete one word to the right.
fn + Option +Delete or Option + Del

Move the cursor

Move one character to the left.
Left Arrow

Move one character to the right.
Right Arrow

Move one word to the left.
Option +Left Arrow

Move up a line.
Up Arrow

Move down a line.
Down Arrow

Move to the beginning of the line.
⌘ + Left Arrow

Move to the end of the line.
⌘ + Right Arrow

Move to the beginning of the word to the left.
Option + Left Arrow

Move to the ending of the word to the right.
Option + Right Arrow

Go to next paragraph.
⌘ + Up Arrow

Go to previous paragraph.
⌘ + Down Arrow

Scroll up in the current page.
Page Up

Scroll down in the current page.
Page Down

Go to the top of the page.
Command + Up Arrow

Go to the bottom of the page.
Command + Down Arrow

Go to the next paragraph.
Option + Up Arrow

Go to the previous paragraph.
Option + Down Arrow

Format tables

Create a table.

Create another column in a table with a single row.

Create another row when at the end cell of a table.
NOTE: Press Return a second time to finish the table.

Create a column to the right of the current column in a table.
⌘ + Option+ R

Create a column to the left of the current column in a table.
⌘ + Option + E

Create a row below the current row in a table.
⌘ + Return

Create another paragraph in the same cell in a table.
Option + Return


Search on the page.
⌘ + F

Search all notebooks.
⌘ + Option + F

Navigate within a notebook

Switch between sections in a notebook.
Option + Tab

Switch between pages in a section.
  1. Start with the cursor within a page, then press Control + Tab. The focus moves to Add Page.
  2. Press the Tab key to move the focus to your page.
  3. Press the Up arrow key or Down arrow key to select the previous or next page in your section.

Move the selected paragraphs up.
⌘ + Shift + Up Arrow

Move the selected paragraphs down.
⌘ + Shift + Down Arrow

Move the selected paragraphs left (decreasing the indent).
⌘ + Shift + Left Arrow

Advanced cursor navigation

Move the insertion point up in the current page, or expand the page up.
⌘ + Option + Up Arrow

Move the insertion point down in the current page, or expand the page down.
⌘ + Option + Down Arrow

Move the insertion point left in the current page, or expand the page to the left.
⌘ + Option + Left Arrow

Move the insertion point right in the current page, or expand the page to the right.
⌘ + Option + Right Arrow

Other commands

Open other notebooks or create new ones.
⌘ + O

View the list of your open notebooks.
Control + G

Create a new notebook page.
⌘ + N

Open the OneNote preferences.
⌘ + , (Comma)

Move page to another location.
⌘ + Shift + M

Copy page to another location.
⌘ + Shift + C

Move or copy page again to last selected section.
Option + ⌘ + T

Enter full-screen mode.
Control + ⌘ +_F

Synchronize this notebook.
⌘ + S

Synchronize all notebooks
Shift + ⌘ + S