OneNote Gem Add-Ins

How to Remove Permissions of OneShare Access to Your OneNote Notebooks?

Manage the Apps and Services You’ve Given Access in Your Account

Click follow hyperlink, and login your Microsoft account, then, you can go to “Apps and services you’ve given access” manage page.

Manage the Apps and Services You’ve Given Access in Your Account

The apps you see in this page are the ones you have allowed access to your OneNote notebooks.
Click the “Edit” hyperlink below of OneShare

OneShare can access info from your account web page

Then, go into web page “OnShare can access info from your account”.
You’ve given OneShare access to the following information.
Include “View and modify your OneNote notebooks”.

OneShare can access info from your account web page

Remove Permissions

If you don't want OneShare to read your OneNote notebook anymore.
Just click the Remove these permissions button at the bottom.

OneShare Briefly