OneNote Gem Add-Ins

CiteBoard for OneNote

Full platforms OneNote Add-in.
Save text or links in a format on a OneNote page called CiteBoard.
The OneNote CiteBoard app will find this CiteBoard page, analyze it by format and list and display the items.
Clicking 1 item with the mouse, it will copies it to the clipboard.
Easy to paste into other applications.

CiteBoard Include Follow Installation Package
  1. CiteBoard for Windows
  2. CiteBoard for Mac
  3. CiteBoard for Android
  4. CiteBoard for IOS
CiteBoard Download

Picture Picture Picture Picture
CiteBoard for Windows
Trial: 30 Days
Zip Password: 1
CiteBoard for Mac
Trial: No
CiteBoard for Android
(The download link sent with license code)
CiteBoard for iOS
(iPhone, iPad)
CiteBoard for Windows CiteBoard for Mac CiteBoard for Android CiteBoard for iOS
Purchase CiteBoard
A license can be used for OneNote for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS.

1)How to Create CiteBoard Section and Page in OneNote?
Citeboard for OneNote
Follow steps:
  1. Sign in to a Microsoft personal account in OneNote, such as:
  2. Open a notebook in this account
  3. Then, create a section named CiteBoard
  4. Then, in this section, create a page with the title CiteBoard
  5. Then, entering a paragraph and format it to Heading 1. Like the paragraph: Category Mathematical.
  6. Next, enter 2 empty paragraphs.
  7. Next, enter item block. In block of item, there can be an empty paragraph between paragraphs.
The item blocks are separated by 2 empty paragraphs.


CiteBoard Sample or Template

2) How to Use the CiteBoard? 

The steps are as follows:
  1. Download and install CiteBoard.
  2. In CiteBoard, login to your Microsoft personal account, such as
  3. CiteBoard will then automatically find the "CiteBoard" section and the "CiteBoard" page.
  4. It will then list the items in the "CiteBoard" page.
  5. Simple click on an item in the CiteBoard, it will copy the contents of the item in plain text into the clipboard.
  6. Next, you can paste it to any program by press Ctrl+V. like Skype.

Other Features 

Open OneNote CiteBoard Page
Open the CiteBoard page in OneNote to edit. (Required Installed OneNote)
Decomposed Clipboard Link (Ctrl+Shift+Q)
Select a hyperlink on the web page, and then press Ctrl + C to copy this link and its text to clipboard.
Then use this feature to convert it to plain text (the text + link) in clipboard.
Then easy to paste to other application.

For Example:

MindMap Add-Ins Comparison
Convert to plain text
MindMap Add-Ins Comparison