Select the Full Text in OneNote by Pressing Ctrl+A Multiple Times
2020-05-05 15:26
In other editors, such as Word, you can select the full text by pressing Ctrl + A. That's not the case in OneNote.How do I select the full text in OneNote?
In OneNote, you'll also be able to select the full text by pressing the Ctrl+A shortcut.It's just a little bit different in OneNote.
In OneNote, you'll have to press Ctrl+A multiple times to select the full text.
OneNote's shortcut Ctrl+A was changed like this:
1. Select the entire sentence by press Ctrl+A once.
2. Press Ctrl+A again to select the body of the OneNote page.
2. Press Ctrl+A again to select the body of the OneNote page.
If it's in a table, it's like this:
1. Select the entire sentence by pressing the first Ctrl+A
2. Select the cell by pressing the second Ctrl+A
3. Select a row in the table by pressing the third Ctrl+A
4. Select the entire table by pressing the fourth Ctrl+A
5. Select the entire body by pressing the fifth Ctrl+A
2. Select the cell by pressing the second Ctrl+A
3. Select a row in the table by pressing the third Ctrl+A
4. Select the entire table by pressing the fourth Ctrl+A
5. Select the entire body by pressing the fifth Ctrl+A
That is, OneNote can select all the body by pressing Ctrl+A multiple times.
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